- Data points are correlated if the covariance matrix is diagonal
Covariance Matrices and Data Distributions
- Gauss-Seidel method converges for the following linear system
- Given data points { (1, -1), (2, 2) }, what is the linear Lagrange interpolation function?
Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial Calculator - Online
- We can optimize the function f(x) = (x-1)(x-2)(x-3)(x4) on [1, 4] by using the golden ratio search.
- In an upper triangular system, the last equation contains only one variable.
- Suppose that the function f(x, y) represents the WiFi signal strength in the computer lab. We measured the signal at four corner positions P0=(0, 0), P1=(0, 1), P2=(1, 0), and P3=(1, 1). The measured signals are f(0, 0) = 20, f(0, 1) = 180, f(1, 0) = 120, and f(1, 1) = 200. Estimate f(0.2, 0.5) using the bilinear interpolation method.
Bilinear Interpolation Calculator
- We want to find the minimum value of a unimodal function f(x) on the interval [0, 2] using the Fibonacci Search method with the tolerance e=0.3 (Length of the last subinterval ). What is the number of steps (n-2)?
n은 F_n > (b-a)/e 인 n 중 최소값을 찾는 거지만 step은 n-2라는 것에 유의
- We are given data points {(x, y)}={(-1, -2), (1, -1), (2, 2), (4, 5)} where y = f(x). Fit a polynomial function f(x)=Ax+B to the data using the Least-Squares method.
- What is the determinent of Hessian matrix of f(x, y) = 2xy+2x-x^2-2y^2?
- What is a gradient of f(x, y) = yx^2+3x+4 at (2, -1)?
gradient yx^2+3x+4, at(2,-1) - Symbolab